Camping Puy-de-Dôme » Contact, access

Contact and access

    Contact us

    Any questions? Need more information before confirming your booking?

    Contacting us is easy:

    Access to the campsite

    Our 3-star campsite near Clermont-Ferrand is located at 48 route de Mozac, 63140 Châtel-Guyon.

    To make your visit easier, please enter the following GPS coordinates in your browser:
    Latitude 45.907641062834784
    Longitude 3.0616014418424626

    Do you prefer the train? Our establishment is only 8 km from Riom train station!

    Whatever your mode of transport, we look forward to welcoming you to our friendly, family-run campsite in the heart of our sublime Puy-de-Dôme region!

    Discover our promotions, our services and Puy-de-dôme